Put an end to procrastination and overwhelm

There is a way to change from procrastination and overwhelm to feeling motivated and joyful.    This article came about because one of my  private clients asked for a way to stop the stress that was making him feel numb and out of focus. 

Has this ever happened to you: there are so many things on your to-do list, you really want to get them done but,  you keep putting things off until you get stressed and overwhelmed just thinking about all the things you have to do.

There is a way to stop the procrastination and overwhelm cycle
I created an audio with each step you can take to make procrastination a thing of the past.  It goes with this article and I hope you find it useful.  I’m using the example that my client wanted to start with to teach you how to use it with your own to-do list. 
Note:  Once my client learned to use this template he called me to say that it worked so well that he was able to get three big items (that were stressing him out) off his list. 

Once you know the steps to moving ahead with ease,  procrastination and overwhelm will be a thing of the past. 

 Follow along with the audio.  I also listed the steps below – yet I know for many people it is much easier to follow with an audio.   

To listen to the audio with the 
End Procrastination Template click here:

The Template outline is below:
Put an end Procrastination and Overwhelm

Step one:   Notice how you are feeling by doing a body scan.

Step two:   Is it best to write on a large pad of paper for this step.
a.   Make a list of everything that you need to do
b.   Anything that you have been procrastinating about
c.    And  anything that causes overwhelm

Step threeMost Important Items list:
Number the things on your list in the order of most important  (or time sensitive) to the least important. 
#1 is most important and number through to the least important item on the list.  

Step four:  Most stressful items: For this list you’ll put a letter in front of the item:  starting with A (most stressful item) through Z (the least stressful item on the list)

Step five:   Pick  1 item from the Most Important Items list and write it down on a separate piece of paper.

Step six:  Pick 1 item from the Most stressful items list and write it down on a separate piece of paper.

Step seven:  Pick only the one item you want to start with  (chose one item from step five and six)  You’ll do the same for the next item on the list later, by repeating these steps.

Step eight: Before you even start imagine how it will feel when this task is done.  Visualization: See yourself in the future when this test is done.  Notice what you are thinking, feeling as you are in the future and you’ve done everything needed to cross this item off you list.  Act as-if you have already finished the task and step into that future you.

Step nine:  List the item you have chosen and begin to create the small steps needed to complete the task

Step ten:  Write down each small step that will move you towards completing the task

For example:

If the most important Item you choose was to fill out an application, then you then will write down each small step needed to complete the application: 
For example if you have the application somewhere in your emails the you’d follow the following steps:

  1. Go to your emails and find the email that has the application form.
  2. Download the application
  3. Look over the application, is there anything that you will need to know or to have ready to finish the application?  For example you might need:
    a.  Resume and bio
    b.  Picture
    c.  Other information that is stored on your computer
  4. Find this information before starting on the application and update anything that needs to be updated
  5. Fill out the application
  6. Send in the application

Go through each item on you list in the same way.  You’ll find this template will help you to stop the procrastination and worry and will get you started.  All journeys start with one small step towards the goal. 

Last step: notice how you are feeling now that you have a step-by-step plan of what you’ll do and have visualized the future self already having accomplished the steps you set out.

I hope this article and audio was helpful.  If you want to learn more the information on the mini-course is below:  

Click here for the full course on being unstoppable