Past Life Regression: Can it heal panic attacks

Below is the Question sent in by one of my readers: 
Do you think there is anything to the theory that past lives affect and may cause anxiety attacks?

AnswerFirst I’ll answer the question directly.  When I do a regression with a client, and the client goes back to an event that happened in a “past life,” we use the information as if past lives exist.  For that is how the person’s unconscious mind is giving information, so that needs to be worked on.

This isn’t going to be a discussion on whether or not past lives are real or not.  Let’s just agree that we are influenced by things that not only happen in the past.  When the unconscious gives us information, we can use it to get to old issues.  Because in my belief, old unresolved issues are carried with us and do affect our present life. 

If you’d like to start the first step to anxiety relief, I encourage all my clients to watch the Mind Calming Video Guide, you can get it for FREE by clicking the button below and signing up:
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