Hurricane Alert: How Panic Suffers Handle Real Crisis With Calm

News of the possible weather can be terrifying to anyone listening. But, if you’ve been suffering with panic / anxiety attacks you already are very familiar with the terror and fear.  As the rest of the country listens to the news of the upcoming storm, they are only getting a small glimpse of what it is like to have panic attacks.  Unfortunately, the fear of what might happen, is increased with every weather “news” forecast.

The interesting thing about people with Panic Disorder

If a crisis does strike, people with panic disorder are the ones who will handle it in a focused and calm way.  In some way the panic and fears you have suffered somehow prepares us to deal with present-time events.

But, since the crisis/weather event hasn’t happened yet, if you are suffering with panic you probably are feeling the effects of listening to the news of a possible disaster.  The news is probably increasing your fears as you imagine other possible consequences that might happen because of the storm.

Because those of us with panic/anxiety issues are highly creative, we have learned to use the mind in a way, that creates thoughts and images that other people wouldn’t even think of.  We then project all the possible negative outcomes we imagine as if they are already taken place.  The body then reacts as if the feared event is happening, with all the chemicals to make your body ready to fight or flee.  The symptoms your feel in the present moment, are for a possible future event,  one that hasn’t even happened yet.

The reason people with panic disorder do this type of thinking, (negative future thinking)  is to prepare or protect themselves.  In the next few days to bring down panic reactions, follow the tips below.

TIPS to Bring Down Panic:

1. Listen to what our government representatives are saying.
2.  Prepared in the best way you can for the storm.  Get your water, move out of areas that are in danger etc.
3. Then, STOP listening to the weather for a while.
4. Yes, it’s important to be prepared.  YES it is important to know what is coming.
5.  But once you have done everything possible to prepare and protect yourself and your family, the news is going to increase your fear
6.  So, take a break from the news.  Do something else, read a book, clean out a closet, something to keep your mind occupied.
7.  If you feel you need to be updated to the forecast limit it to every 3 – 4 hours.  STOP listening to the constant updates.
The storm isn’t predicted until Monday.  Listening to the constant fearful talk will just increase you anxiety.
8. So, once you’ve prepared it is much better to give yourself some time to  imagine positive outcomes.
9. “What if” thoughts about the upcoming storm aren’t helpful.
10. Remind yourself: Once you have done everything in your power to prepare and protect your self, your home and your family for the possible upcoming storm, or any other crisis,  then the worry no longer serves a purpose.

And most importantly: I have found after 27 years working with people who have suffered with panic/ anxiety issues;  in a crisis situation, people with panic disorder function and handle things wonderfully.  Many times my clients have told me how they surprised themselves with the way the handle a real life situation.

If you would like to learn more about how we can help get you free of Panic, Worry, Fear and Anxiety, please click the button below to sign up for a FREE consultation:
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