Action Steps to Stop Panic and Anxiety.

A.  Feeling Panic, Worry, Fear or Anxiety: Start with these action steps:

1.  Gather more information.
2.  Recollect what was going on just before you felt the symptoms: fear, panic, worry, sadness, depression.
Note for people who have sent in questions about the need to binge on food or alcohol.
3.  It is possible that using alcohol is part of your attempt to calm down when stressed.
4.  Continue doing the exercises in the e-book More Than Stress Management.
     a.  Use the exercise called “getting underneath symptoms”
     b.  This exercise can help you to uncover the underlying thoughts that lead to increased fear, worry, panic or sadness.

B.  For those who don’t have the e-book here is an exercise to you can start with now:

1. Begin to think about what is going on before you binge:
     a.  Are you feeling stressed?
     b. Are you feeling panicky, worried, sad?
2.  Think about events going on in your life:
a.  Has anything happened to set off your emotions?
     b. Think about anything that happened within the last two days that caused anger.
3.  Begin to notice any feelings of loneliness, upset or sadness.
4.  Ask yourself are there any feelings that you’ve pushed down?

C.  Things that cause symptoms of anxiety:

1.  Any of the above things can stimulate panic attacks.
2.  Even though events might not seem to be related to panic, I have found that for many people they trigger reactions.
3.  Theses are keys to look for  when searching for the deeper roots of your reactions. 4.  Once you uncover the underlying information, it is possible to heal the deeper issues.

D.  Start the Calming Process:

1.  To start the calming process click on the breathing exercise. 
2.  Get more exercises by setting up an appointment with one of our hypno-therapists.
3.  Download a copy of the e-book More than Stress Management.