Eagles Football: Brandon Brooks suffers with anxiety attacks and IBS

Brandon Brooks, a strong, confident Eagles Football player, brought down by anxiety attacks and IBS.  I recently read about Brandon Brooks and the anxiety that is causing him so much distress that he had to skip playing important games.  I wish I could let Brandon know that there is a way to be panic free.  That the medication he is taking is like putting a bandaid on a wound, without taking care of what is underneath.

As you who have worked with me know, panic, IBS and anxiety issues can be healed.  If anyone of you is able to get this information to Brandon Brooks (or to anyone else suffering) it would be a great kindness.  I wrote a note that I wish Brandon and his coaches could read. I’ve decided to post it for him and anyone else. Especially anyone who is suffering in silence with IBS, panic, worry and fear caused by anxiety disorder.

The following is the note: Please pass it on to any one you care about who has panic or bowel distress.

Dear Brandon,
Although I don’t follow football I’m writing this note because what I do is help people to get free of anxiety. I help them to stop the pain and suffering that makes life so difficult.  I heard about the anxiety you’ve been suffering when  my son is an avid Eagles fan sent me the article about your suffering.

In my 30 years of research and practice, I’ve helped thousands of people. I specialize in anxiety and panic relief. My clients no longer suffer with panic, IBS, and all of the symptoms that are caused by it.  Stomach and bowel distress, worry, anger, depression, fear having a panic attack all are erased.  Brandon, it was so brave to let people know of your struggle with anxiety and stomach problems.  Most people suffer in silence trying to deal with the distress, worry and pain even embarrassed by the symptoms.

Now that you have decided to let people know of your suffering they will know it can happen to anyone.  The fact that you are such a strong, fit man, a role model and a top sports figure, will give inspiration to others that this is not caused by any weakness.  It is caused by programs that run in the background of the mind, and therefore can’t be controlled by wishing or toughing it out.

There is a way to undo the faulty programs that are causing anxiety so severe that you’ve needed to cancel playing at the last-minute.

Please take a moment to imagine a life free of pain and worry, where you are released from symptoms and can once again be your best self. Imagine how easy it will be to live and tap into all your potential when you no longer are worrying about having anxiety symptoms.  It is possible!

I realize there are doctors and other highly trained professionals helping you.   And I hope that this proves to be the answer for you.  Yet, so many of my clients tried to stop anxiety attack with medication or cognitive and behavioral therapy.  This isn’t enough and their experience shows that issues will surface in other forms, unless the underlying causes is fixed at the root.

I don’t usually send out notes offering unasked for advice.   Most of the people come for my unique program from referrals.  Some of my client find me after suffering for years and coming across an article I’ve written.

I’m writing this note for a few reasons.
First: You are so amazingly courageous to let people know what you have been suffering.
Second: Medication is not the answer: It only provides a short term fix.
Third: There is a way to break free from the devastating symptoms of IBS.
Fourth: You’re a strong role model and I know your fans want to see you playing anxiety free to your full potential.

And:  It is my passion to help people to get freedom from anxiety, worry and pain of bowel and stomach issues.

Are you being crippled by Irritable Bowel, Colitis or Crohn’s?
Does anxiety and worry creep into other parts of your life?

Are you fearful because you never know when distressful symptoms will hit?
Do you feel stuck, frustrated or overwhelmed and you don’t know where to turn?

Get Ready to Feel Better!

IBS and gut pain does more than just ruin your way of life.  It gets in the way of EVERYTHING. You feel trapped; they rob you of your joy, your enthusiasm and your get in the way of a productive existence.  And if you’ve tried medication you know it’s only a bandage, not a permanent solution.

Some of the side symptoms of bowel and gut distress:

    • Churning, painful, noisy stomach sounds.
    • Feeling urgency to reach a bathroom in time.
    • Worry that gets in the way of joy.
    • Procrastination
    • Avoiding situations – for fear of embarrassment.
    • Mind Racing with negative images and thoughts
    • Self-doubt losing trust in your body to function in a normal way.
    • Anxious and stressed.
  • Feeling overwhelmed and hopelessness.

Learn about the way to get Free of IBS, gut problems, anxiety and worry. 

    • To quiet a churning stomach.
    • Techniques to stop negative thoughts that have been adding to distress.
    • Actually re-program unwanted thoughts and reactions
    • Tools to help you prevent reverting back to old anxiety and panic symptoms
    • Tips on how to get past worry
  • And tools to go from anxiety to calm in just moments.

You’ll also learn:

    • Why cognitive therapy techniques aren’t enough to stop gut distress.
    • Why telling yourself not to be anxious, doesn’t work
    • A critical step for using mind-body connection to heal the body.
  • About the tools that work on both parts of the mind so you can get freed from IBS once and for all.

I’m inviting you to join with me to transform old ways of reacting into positive motivating ones. Even if you’ve tried many different things to get rid of IBS, worry and anxiety, you’ll find this is different.

There is a program I’ve designed specifically
for you if you’ve been suffering with
anxiety, worry, and pain from
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Colitis or Crohn’s. 

It is possible because the people who use my system are now free of panic, IBS, anxiety, fear and worry.
Call to find out about I’m the system for relief, and do it without medication.

Sign up for one of the Discovery Consultations 

This complimentary consultation is 
for people who are ready to
get free from panic, pain, anxiety, worry, IBS and gut distress.

It easy to do just contact me by email
Include your name, contact information
and a few sentences about what you are struggling with.
I will get back to you to schedule a session.
so call now, and we’ll see if it’s a good fit for us to work together.

On the subject line put:  I’d like a Discovery Consultation