Grief and Sadness

After the death of my very favorite and loved uncle just 2 weeks ago I found myself thinking, and grieving and sobbing and then . . .  beginning to move towards healing.  And it went back and forth between terrible pain of loss to uplifting feeling of connection.   I’ve decided to talk about my own process from raging at this loss to moving back towards my beliefs that energy doesn’t end.  I truly believe that even when the physical body is no longer here on this earth, the energy that makes each and every one of us up continues.  It is an amazing concept thinking of an energy that lies within being able to change into whatever it wants, once it is freed from the human form.   Imagine being able to experience the feeling of flying like a bird and in another instant becoming a tree, or being a part of a vast ocean.  Sometimes I think that our dreams give us a taste of what the freedom of being energy will be like,  soaring one moment being someone else the next.

I usually do not share my personal sadness, I usually am busy helping others with theirs, but in this case I felt that by sharing some of my thoughts and emotions, it might in some way be helpful to others listening.  This is a new thing for me to share and I hope that you will be kind in your responses, whether you agree with my thoughts or have ones that are different.  If you would like to share with me your own thoughts I would be interested in hearing them.