Lupus and Panic Disorder

It’s Tish here, one of the hypnotherapists at the Anxiety Control Center. Many people who know me, know that I came to this career because I suffered with panic disorder for many, quite frankly, too many years.  I tried various traditional ways to get rid of it, but only had limited success. It was not until I used the methods that we use, that I was able get true relief.  But an interesting thing happened along with getting rid of panic disorder.

I Used To Have Lupus.

When I say this, the response that I usually get is, “How did you get rid of it?”

The short answer to that question is that I released the negative emotions that I had.

I believe that we can have dis-ease in the body due to the negative emotions that we hold. It is documented that anger is connected to many diseases.

The Mind Can Create Disease

As I mentioned, I suffered with panic disorder for many years. I would not do a lot of things because I was afraid that I might have a panic attack. Things like going to the movies, grocery shopping, or even visiting friends. So since for many people, panic is not a “real” thing, I believe that my unconscious created lupus because it is “real”.  

So if I could not go someplace or do something, I could always blame it on lupus and that would be acceptable to people.

When I got rid of the negative emotions and the panic went away, all of the lupus symptoms went away as well.  So it was as if my unconscious was saying, you don’t need this anymore.

Stress & Anxiety At the Root

My lab results are always good and I have not been on medication for at least 7 or 8 years. I had a discussion with my doctor about this.  He, a medical man with a scientific mind, actually agreed that letting go of stress and anxiety can cause the symptoms to go away.  I told him that I don’t believe I have it anymore.

I never set out to get rid of lupus. I would never claim to be able to cure anyone of a disease. For me, it was just a very nice side effect of getting rid of panic disorder.

People are truly amazed at the changes they get after experiencing the powerful
Transformation System
developed at the Anxiety Control Center.

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for reducing stress, you can start with the
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