Moving through Fear

Back again at the beach.  I’ll only be in Costa Rica at the Writer’s Retreat for a few more days.  It has been wonderful working with this creative group of screenwriters.  

Today I made a video post about a way to have courage when doing something new.  I called it Taking the leap because it was stimulated by a story that I heard this morning.  You’ll hear more in the video.

As I posted the last few video’s (in my beach attire) I realized that this was my own leap.  Doing a video at the beach, and in the forest in the last few days is so different than the more polished way people usually see me at workshops or in private sessions.  As I did this video I realized that I was imagining the people who would watch the video being accepting and happy that I was thinking about them even when I was away.  And although each video is “off the cuff” I hope they have in some way been useful.   Click on video to watch and I’d be happy to hear your thoughts.