Panic when flying – Learn to stop panic cycle

continued from Volcanic Ash causes Panic Attacks (April 25):

Were you stuck in the airport because of the volcanic ash keeping planes from flying.  Did you feel helpless, angry, stressed or even panicky?  If you are someone with panic disorder this “act of nature” might have brought on a full blown panic attack.

For people with panic disorder being stuck anywhere can be a horror.  Without the skills to bring down panic, the feeling of being out of control continues to build, making you feel helpless to stop the onslaught.

There is a way to stop panic in its tracks.  There are techniques and skills you can learn to get back in control of your mind.  Having a mental “tool kit” can help to normalize the chemical reaction happening in your body whenever there is a stressful event.

Even if you don’t have panic disorder, the stress of being stuck can cause terrible distress. Although there may be nothing you can do to change the situation, there is one thing you do have control of, the thoughts that move through your mind.

Thoughts have power.  They can create physical reactions that can either add to your stress, or create a state of calm and serenity.  Once you learn how to harness your thoughts, even the ones that move through your mind so quickly you can be back in control.

There are many skills you can learn to stop the stress reaction.  Skills that can reinforce positive feelings no matter what is happening in life.  The following exercise provides a tool you can add to “tool kit” of mental skills, to change stress reactions.  It gives you a way to start the process of changing negative thoughts into positive calming ones.

1. Imagine a big red stop sign.
2. In your mind “shout” the word “stop”.
3. Use your imagination to create possible positive outcomes.  Create thoughts of what you would like to see happening, rather than negative possibilities.

Example: Think about going somewhere peaceful.  You have memories of places that created peace or joy.  One of my clients used the memory of holding her baby for the first time.  She went back to that memory and immediately felt joy bubble up.  That was a much better state of mind to be in as she waited in the airport.

4. So find someplace in your imagination that is peaceful.

Another technique I teach my clients is to imagine yourself a few month after the situation.  Imagine the event is already over, you are safely home.  Perhaps having a cup of tea talking to a neighbor.    Talking about the airport situation that is long past.   Use your imagination to create positive images of what you will be doing as you are  safely home.

5.  As you use your mind in this way,  notice how different this experience feels.

This simple use of your imagination, is one to keep in you “tool kit” so you can have courage in the face of panic.  Once you have a “Tool kit” full of skills it will be like a security blanket you always have with you, where ever you go.

Learning how to create positive images and thought will help in gaining control of your reactions.    For more information on learning how to using your mind to work for you, instead of against you sign in at the top right side of this page.

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