Parenting Consultation

Have you ever wished that when you took you new baby home that along with the baby came a step-by-step manual of how to deal with all the natural upsets that are part of children growing up.  From all the work I’ve done in parenting it there is a common thread of what parents want for their children: to instill confidence, motivation, creativity and empathy.

This changed my life:
After college, before I even had children I was so lucky to get hired for a position that changed my life completely (and as the years went by, the lives of the parents whose lives I’ve touched).   Can you imagine my joy, this job paid me to read books and research!   I loved reading, so for me that was the ultimate job in the world.   But, what I didn’t know at the time was that it would change my life.  Once my children were born I had the sort of manual that I could go to change things when it felt like my kids turned into monsters. Each time I used the tools I would so thankful I had these skills,  my kids were once again the sweet loving people I wanted to be with.  I watched other parents in conflict with their young children and then with their teens I invited them to my workshops and many came and told me it changed their lives too. 

Without the research that lead to the most amazing parenting manual,  I would have parented mostly as  my parents had, handling conflict in the way they did.   And they were great,  wonderful loving parents yet I admit it didn’t prepare me for times when I felt unappreciated, tired, overwhelmed, or stressed.

As I move across the country I’d give these workshops as I did I added some of the tools that parents asked for in addition to parenting tools:  self-hypnosis to relieve the stress, ways to release anger so they could think clearly.  And I developed a blueprint for change so they could follow it for any situation where there was a communication glitch between what the parent expected and what the child was doing.  Most love the technique for patience – something to use when kids aren’t at their best.   Knowing exactly what to do to get children (and partners) to listen and having skills to  have a peaceful home by diffusing upsets.  A home it’s joyful to be in.

For 30+ years I’ve been giving parents tools that take the stress out of being a great parent.  If you have children you know that they can be the source of the highest pleasure.   Yet, no matter how much you love them there are times they can cause annoyance, distress, grief, anger and even bewildered anguish.  There is a way of dealing with these issues that can lead you back to the warm, caring, peaceful life with your children.  I hope you’ll contact me to learn more.  This can be done in private sessions or in group workshops where you bring your questions and get the answers you are seeking.  You too can get the effective, loving tools to keep harmony in your family.

A little about the workshops: This is a fantastic opportunity to take some of the challenge out of having a peaceful home life.   We start our workshop by focusing on communication, something that you know how to do in you everyday life. Yet when it comes to children sometimes even the most loving child seems to tune out. Learn How To Talk So Children Will Listen  this is our most popular class.  Participants also enjoy the using the Standing Meditation technique to release stress.

Successful people who are trying to balance many things. Those feeling the stress that comes with being a good parent while  juggling life, family and career.

Our parenting communication workshops help parents to take the frustration out of raising motivated, kind and self-confident children. With each different stage of development we offer different types of tools the parent can put to use right away, in real life situations.

click here for more information on the Parenting Workshop