Quick Tip For Anger Relief

A client sent the following e-mail asking for a tip to “cool down” her anger. Also at the bottom of this article you’ll get to hear a client after anger was released.  

Client asks:
I am soooooo moody. I can feel my blood boil. I have NO patience and I’m taking it out on my little 4 year old son.  Not anything drastic just a lack of patience, but I don’t like myself that way.   Any quick fixes until I see you??  Thank you!!!

As you will read in the advice I gave, I don’t go into specific detail on the techniques because my client is already is familiar with the techniques  For those of you who already have these tools my reply might serve as a helpful reminder for using them.  Some can be found under the tips tab on the website. 

Exercise to Relieve Anger:

Part 1:
1.  First focus on your body:
2. Use the rating gauge and rate you level of anger on a scale of Zero to Ten :  0=Calm ————- 10=Rage
3.  Notice the feeling in your body (blood boiling)
4.  Breathe using any of the body-mind tools
5.  Start the tapping away stress sequence (it will work for anger too)
6. Don’t try to change anything just tap.
7. Use your rating gauge and rate the level again after the exercise. That way you’ll know if there is a change

Part 2:
Read what I say in the next steps and let your mind do the rest.

1. Imagine a lavender light or energy all around you.  As if the room is filled with a cloud of lavender.

2. With you next breath just breathe it in, just doing what you do naturally breathe and  . . . let it  fill you.

a.  Don’t try to change anything just let the lavender light fill your body with each breath.
b.  Notice the color of the light as you gently breath.

Part 3:
You are a kind and wonderful person, I know that you have been trying to fix the problem by telling yourself to stop being so moody.  I also imagine that you’ve been feeling bad about not having the patience that you usually have.   And then, feeling angry with yourself just makes it worse –  as I’m sure you have noticed.

1. Working at change on the conscious level can lead to more frustration when the anger doesn’t go away.

2. Breathing in the color or energy opens up the unconscious mind, and changes your focus. So just by focusing on breath, and the color, changes things, it goes to the part of the mind that interprets this in a more positive way and this programming begins to sooth things.  I know there is a lot going on in your life right now and considering all of the stress you are doing amazingly well.


So, just for the next few moments,  don’t try to stop the feelings,  just recognize that you are having the thoughts and feelings and do the tapping exercise.  Follow this up by imagining the light surrounding you and breath normally, focusing on the tip of your nose.  Even a few moments can begin to make a difference.

Now, you are using the part of the mind (the unconscious part) that can help without you consciously trying to stop the anger.  No expectations just do and see what changes.  Well continue to work on an even deeper root level when I next see you. You have so much courage.  Hope this helps.

What our clients are saying: 

We have lots of testimonials from happy clients, we’re including this one on this page because anger was one of the symptoms that no longer causes this amazing client a problem.

Click here for the Video

For more information on tips for relief of unwanted emotions contact me with Questions.

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