Relief from Panic without Medication

I received this note the other day from a prospective client.  I decided to post an excerpt from the note and my answer  to her question.  I hope you find it useful.

Question I received:  Good Morning- My name is (changed name) C, and I have had moderate anxiety my entire life. As my stress increases, so does the frequency of my panic attacks. I have been prescribed many different prescriptions, but HATE taking pills regardless of their efficacy. In addition to my anxiety, I am a procrastinator, and have been finding that despite all of the great things in my life (and I do have MANY!), I am losing the usual joie de vivre I have had my whole life.  I have had some success with hypnotic tapes, but am still suffering.  Is there anything that can help me get off medication and feel free again?

Dear C,
I am so glad that you found your way to my website and email.  The answer is a YES there is hope for getting relief from anxiety and to feel motivated again.   I used to suffer from panic and that is what led me to find a way to clear it up at the “root”.   For the past 25 years I’ve been helping people.  Using the Transformation System you too can  learn to do more than just manage stress and anxiety.  There is a way to get true and lasting relief.

The type of hypnosis I use for this is a bit different from the classical hypnotic tapes you have already found success with.  I started out using classical hypnosis too, and found it wonderful.  The System I have been using for over 25 years uses a 3 pronged approach, combining  Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy with  Ericksonian Hypnosis, Time Line and Neuro-Linguistic Programming,  you will be amazed at what you will accomplish using this system.

Your goals are clear and possible to achieve.  I’ll look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to answer any questions you have.  I have offices in NYC and in Cherry Hill, NJ.