Sadness and Fear: An Exercise to Get Relief

The following is a question I received from one of my clients.  It mirrors what so many people with anxiety feel that I decided to give a technique that I haven’t talked about in a while.  It is different type of solution and one that is worth using.  The people who have experimented with it find that after a couple of weeks they wouldn’t go without using this exercise.

The following question is what spurred my answer. Names and events are changed slightly to protect confidentiality. This client is grieving over the illness and death of his dad. He is also dealing with possible life changing issues in his relationship.

Peter’s Question:

“Hey Audrey, I’m having a bad morning. . . woke up thinking about my father, my heart pounding and tears in my throat. Have had a series of  dreams this week leaving me feeling uncomfortable when I wake up.

In addition to that, I spoke Amy on Fri about the baby stuff, and even though she said she has no plans of leaving I still want us to want the same things, so I’m finding that I’m almost pressuring myself to want a child.  I guess I don’t know what to do with myself all I want to do is talk to someone, but it’s early in the morning and everyone is asleep.  Let me know if you have any insight. Thanks.”

My Answer to Peter is as Follows:

Hello Peter,  It’s good you are writing out your thoughts in an email to me. I have an idea that you might find helpful.  When we get together for our session we’ll work on the sadness and fears, using the trance techniques I spoke about last session.

It might be of help at this time to begin to write “morning pages”.  These are pages you write in a journal every day.

In the book the Artist’s Way by Camerion, she describes this completely.  For now, just write 3 pages a day.
In these  3 pages you write what ever comes into your mind.  The author recommends doing it just as you are waking up.  I do my own in the evening, but when I force myself to wake early to write in the morning it seems to flow more easily.
Write three pages about anything and nothing. You will be amazed at how helpful these pages can be.  You don’t try to make sense, or even keep things to a topic. You just write.  It’s just writing your thoughts, the insight will come on its own.

In this way you find within yourself the strength you need.  It comes with time, don’t try to write or edit, just write. These pages are just for you, not to show to another, no need to read them over, it’s the writing without any censoring that will lead you to gaining what you need.

Take the 1st step today:

1.  Buy yourself a note book or journal.  This what you will use for the morning pages.  Save the journal just for the morning pages.

I know when you are upset it is difficult to see the way, so start with the step of just getting a journal and a pen.
2.  Trust it is within yourself and I do believe the morning pages will be a great benefit.
