If you are tossing, turning, watching the clock for hours — and the harder you try to sleep, the more elusive it becomes. If you’ve tried everything and are still awake. If you are frustrated because you really want a restful night’s sleep and are having upset just thinking about another night without rest. There is hope.
Listen to this testimonial from a client that was suffering from insomnia:
The good news is that there is help for sleep issues. There are ways to get the mind and body back into alignment so sleep will once again come naturally.
Another Happy Client Is Sleeping Again:
Carol came to see me because it had been months of not being able to sleep. She was very upset, tired and frustrated because not being able to fall asleep was causing her to worry all day about whether she would be able to get to sleep at night. Her mind was spinning with fear.
Her thoughts went something like this:
– What if I can’t fall asleep and I have to take medicine.
– What if I get addicted to the medicine.
– What if the medicine cause other medical issues.
And on and on the what if thinking went, causing even more stress and adding to the problem falling asleep. And to make it even worse the more she was convinced that she wouldn’t be able to sleep, that prediction added to her mind racing. When she finally began to work with me she was having an anxiety attack just thinking about what the night would bring. She was impatience with her family and angry that the medicine her doctor prescribed wasn’t helping.
For Carol there were many underlying things that needed to be healed. Not sleeping was the tip of the iceberg, it was what got her to finally call for help. At this time, as we continue our work she is getting 5 hours of deep sleep each night. It’s funny when she first came in she said she would give anything to be able to fall asleep for a couple of hours. As usually happens in therapy her goal has changed, she wants 8 hours to be her new normal. We are continuing to go deeper to look for any other inner issues that might be underneath. Sometimes a faulty program gets set in childhood and that needs to be re-programmed before insomnia is no longer an issue. I had her using a tool called the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 All-Purpose Relaxer, when she awakens in the night she uses this again to reprogram the sleep response so she can get a few more hours when she wants it.
Another quick tip:
Read what I say in the next steps and let your mind do the rest.
1. Imagine a lavender light or a lavender cloud of energy all around you. As if the room is filled with a cloud of lavender.
2. With your next breath just breathe it in, just doing what you do naturally breathe and . . . let it fill you.
Don’t try to change anything just let the lavender light fill your body with each breath. Notice the color of the light moving through you as you gently breathe.
3. Working at change on the conscious level can lead to more frustration for this exercise just breathe.
4. Breathing in the color or energy opens up the unconscious mind. Continue to focus on breath going in and out. The color, changes things, it goes to the part of the mind that interprets this and begins to sooth things.
5. So, just for the next few moments, don’t try to stop the feelings, or the worries. Just recognize that you are having thoughts and feelings continue to breathe. Imagining the light surrounding and as you breath gently focus on the tip of your nose as if you can see the air going in and out. Even a few moments can begin to make a difference. Many people find that they fall asleep. But, don’t try to sleep – this is not to get you to sleep, this is working on a different level, sleep is just a bonus some people get.
You are using the part of the mind (the unconscious part) that can help with many things, all without consciously trying to do anything.
Tips For insomnia:
1. The first step is check your doctor, see if there is a physical component like hormones out of balance
2. After that, I step in since as as a hypnotherapist I can help you to find what might be going on under the surface causing the problem.
3. Then we gently clear out any stuffed emotions that are triggering and adding to the stress of not sleeping. And then we move to step 4.
4. Re-programming the mind for sleep using the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 All-Purpose Relaxer.
5. Another do it on your own tool is: Passive Progressive Relaxation a great exercise to relax the body physically.
Start to calm your mind, sign up and start using the Mind Calming Video Guide.
Use the tool in the Mind Calming Video guide at bed time. It’s an audio so you can play it each night and any time you find yourself asking what if questions, (example: what if I can’t sleep again tonight). Start with that step and notice what changes in 2 weeks time.
This is the first step, something you can do on your own. The other steps I use are more advanced and you’ll probably want guidance, because it would be difficult to uncover the roots without the training in hypnosis and anxiety relief.
Click on the link to sign up and Get your first Mind Calming Exercises.