Stop Migraine Headaches Forever

If you are suffering with migraine or cluster headaches, you’ll be interested to know that 98% of my clients who had been suffering for years have been able to get totally free from devastating, painful and life destroying migraines.  

If you have been to doctor after doctor, tried medicine, changed your diet, trying to get relief and if you are still suffering with migraines, cluster headaches or tension headaches then please read on for there is a program is  that can change your life.

Although it might seem to good to be true, there is a way to stop  the migraine before it gets to be a full blown attack.  And once you know how there is no more having to take to the bed in a darkened room, no more missing out on family gatherings.  And once again being free to eat the foods you love, go out into the sun and know you are back in control of your body reactions.  The skills have been refined into a system that works. People who are in pain of all types now have hope of relief.

A little history of how this life changing techniques
for head pain relief came to be.

The system was developed at the Anxiety Control Center by Audrey Sussman PhD.  It took many years of research and practice to put together a system that makes it possible to stop the suffering.    

First a little history on how I found the answer for putting an end to migraines and cluster headaches. In the 80’s I specialized in treating people for panic and anxiety. A bonus of what my research was that I also found a way to help people to get free from migraines, cluster headaches and tension headpain.  At the start I used the traditional cognitive and behavioral techniques available at the time.  It’s not that the techniques didn’t help somewhat it that I was looking for was a way to permanently change the seemingly never-ending cycle of anxiety, worry and panic.  

As I continued in this specialized field I experimented with many different methods.  Intuitively I knew we needed a way to get to the underlying root causes, and not just manage to live with symptoms.  I continued on my quest to find a way and over the years it was a natural progression to look for ways to change the brain patterns that were causing the reactions.  I studied the effect of different forms of hypnosis and added concepts from NLP and neuroscience for changing the unwanted patterns in the brain.

The result of my research was a system that completely revolutionized the way of treating panic (and eventually migraines and pain of all types).   My life changing system offfers the tools and techniques that can be combined in different ways according to the specific issues a person is dealing with.

In the years that followed I re-designed the system to work for migraines relief. Former migraine sufferers attest to the fact that it is possible stop the cycle of head pain, almost as quickly as it starts. 

How long does it take?

People who had been suffering for years can now have hope for a life without migraines.  My clients say it feels like a miracle the first time they can stop head pain at will, and without medication.

People who are suffering with migraines want fast results.  Yet, many at first don’t believe anything will be able to get them free of migraines.   It’s a process of finding the roots and reprogramming the triggers.  We keep working step by step until people can trust their body and enjoyed life without the fear of triggering a migraine. 
If you are ready to get freedom from migraines I offer a free consultation.
To apply send an email to me at

In the consultation we’ll chat and formulate the best plan for results.  After the consultation we start with your first session for relief.  In general most people will feel a shift in around session six and that the process usually takes between 10 – 20 session.  I know this may seems miraculous if you are suffering with migraine or cluster headaches, yet in most cases we’ve been able to banish this devastating, painful and life destroying condition forever.

 Who will benefit from this head pain reducing technique?

  1.   If you are still suffering with migraines, cluster headaches or other head pain.
  2.   If you have been to doctor after doctor, tried medicine, or even changed your diet to no avail.
  3.   If you have tried just about everything to stop this condition, and still are suffering.
  4.   If you want a technique that can bring down the pain in just seconds.
  5.   And, if you are open to using a mind-body technique that includes Neuro-Linguistic  Programming and a form of hypnosis.

Then there is hope for you to get true and lasting relief.

These techniques were developed at the Anxiety Control Center, after many years of research and practice.   Our clients know that it is possible to change bodily reactions, as well as the faulty programs at the root of many types of head pain.

 The skills have been refined into a system that works,
people who are in pain of all types now have hope of relief.