Stress Proof Your Children

I was invited to do an interview as part of a series on Stress Proofing Children.  As I started to think about what I’d like to talk about – I decided to record of some of my ideas.

Listen to the audio in the link below for tips:

In the audio below I’ll be talking about how to de-stress the child that lives within and then I added some of the tools that I’ve given to my own 8 year old grandchild.

Click here to listen-in some ideas on using meditation with children for stress relief.

A thought for today day: Stress Proof Children

A child who is regarded as important, who is valued for the unique way he/she sees the world, and who treated with respect,
even when not at his or her best, will form a positive self-concept a positive self-concept leads to self-esteem which creates a protective barrier from the stressors a child will face in life.

High self-esteem comes not only from achievements but also from learning to accept mistakes as part of learning new things.

Acceptance and affection from the people who are important to us, adds to our inner security and self-esteem.