Tips to stop obsessive worry

From time to time I get questions that are common to many people that have panic and anxiety. Recently a new client sent me this question after our first sessions together. I sent him some tips that seems to be helping so I decided to post them so others might also benefit.

Client note:   Hi Audrey, I have been feeling really good since our session. However, since I have woken up this morning I am obsessing about my eyes again. What’s the best course of action to stop this?

Audrey’s answer:
When you find yourself worrying about your eyes, remind yourself that we are working on this and that the worry is just a signal from your unconscious that there are deeper issues to “look” at. You’ve been to the eye doctor so you’ve taken care of that part.

If you can, you do the opposite of what you’ve been doing. What I mean is that you probably are “trying” not to think of your worry about your eyes. So instead when you start to worry, distract yourself with some other thoughts for now.

We will work on this, it’s hard to give a tip that will stop this completely at this point. But if every time you worry you were to imagine a healing, loving light moving through your body, imagine how much good you would be doing yourself. Sort of like having something negative (worry) remind you to do something positive (light of healing and health). Without trying to stop the worry at all.

Hope this helps a bit, till I see you again.

PS Also remember to use the technique I taught you (tapping) as well.