Wayne Dyer’s exercise for Peaceful Sleep

How to Get a Peaceful Nights Sleep

Are you having trouble sleeping and ready to get some insomnia relief?  As I was reading Excuses Begone by Wayne Dyer, it reminded me of a number of techniques that I use with my clients.  What I call “negative self talk” or “negative stories”  he calls excuses.   I recommend this book, especially the second part which has many ideas on getting rid of excuses (habits, stories and problems) .

The “Stories” We Tell Ourselves

These “stories” have a huge effect on the stress we feel in life. The reason I call them stories is that we don’t really know they are true.  For instance saying, “I can’t do this well enough to please my boss” may be true, but there is a possibility that this time your work will please your boss.  So the idea is to change the story to a positive one that might possibly be true as well.

Wayne Dyer has an exercise that uses this process of changing your self talk. He talks about how many of us will think of all our worries right before falling asleep. The mind has all night to “speculate” on these negative thoughts.  The exercise to change this habit takes only 5 minutes and can lead to peaceful restful sleep.

Causing Ourselves Stress Before Bedtime

What most of us typically do before falling asleep is to think about our “to do list” or about the problems facing us.    Then our brain has all night to process and think about all of the negatives.  It’s no wonder our sleep isn’t peaceful and refreshing!

Reverse Your Thoughts

Here’s a powerful tip for insomnia relief:
In the 5 minutes before falling asleep we can reverse our thinking.  To do this he suggests that you go to a place in your imagination where you want to be.

By making this simple change the unconscious mind has all night to work on moving you towards positive feelings.

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice this every night for the next week.  Every single night go to a place (in your imagination) that you want to be.  Then, when you fall asleep your unconscious mind will continue with thoughts of peace, joy and fulfillment providing you with a restful nights sleep.

Get A Head Start to Insomnia Relief:

If you want an advantage to feeling calm right before sleep, please sign up and receive the FREE Mind Calming Video Guide, it’s also great for reducing stress and anxiety:
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