3 Secrets to creating the state of mind you desire.

Today I will start the first of 5 posts about ways of creating an optimal state of mind, for learning, growing and moving through problems.  I will be using the game of golf as one example of where people find negative “mantras” interfering with the enjoyment of the game.  But negative mantras can get in the way in relationships,  when speaking in public, going to the doctor, taking a test, flying and even going on vacation.

I welcome your feedback and questions, and will write more on specific issues you send in.  To contact me with your questions click here.

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The formula for Life Changing Mantras

Many golfers go to the golf course looking forward to a way to hone their skills and as a break from the pressures of work and life.  Unfortunately, many times life stress can tag along like an unwanted guest, turning what would normally be an enjoyable experience into a draining one.

Stress is actually created by they way we think. I call the harmful thoughts and messages that “take us down” negative mantras.   Negative mantras can ruin your focus, and can create a state of mind that gets in the way of optimum performance. Even when you aren’t aware of that little inner voice running in the back of your mind, you will know there is a negative mantra running, when you feel stress and tension in your body or mind.

For example . . .     more tomorrow.