3 steps to changing worry: Hypnosis NYC

Continued from post of May 20th.

Let’s begin with the 3 steps you will need to start changing patterns of thought that are creating stress and worry in your life.

These 3 steps are so powerful that many of my clients have experienced immediate lifting of their spirits after using them for the first time.

In other cases when feelings are linked to deeply rooted thought patterns or beliefs from childhood, the results may take more time.  Sometime it might require a combination of more advanced techniques to bring about the life changing experience you are seeking.  Even if you are one of the people for whom results take a little longer, make the decision to start and continue doing the 3 steps, and you might surprise yourself with the results.

Exercise for taking back control of your feelings.
Step 1. Start by paying attention to the thoughts that are going through your mind,

Step 2: Make a list of each thought that comes up.  Stay in a curious state, letting all the negative thoughts come to the surface.

Step 3:  As you write down these thoughts you  start to  question whether they are 100% true.  You will realize that no matter how much you might have believed the thoughts to be true, they are still just one possible way things might happen.

Part II of this exercise for changing negative thoughts that lead to worry, will be continued tomorrow.

Start today by downloading your first “tool” for
creating changing worry.

Sign in at the top right side of this page.

You will get the instructions to 2 exercises.
Start with the breathing exercise
to change your state of mind, and then use the
changing second exercise
to help change negative thinking.

So do this now, download
the easy to learn exercises
by signing in at the upper right side of this page.
You will be sent the written instructions as a PDF.

If you would like more coaching on
using other techniques from the Transformation System
to quiet stress and anxiety
go to action ends procrastination

Our next class will start on
June 9th 2010.
Looking forward to you becoming a part
this supportive online community.