Using NLP to change Stressful Thoughts

I hope you have been practicing the “2 for 1” exercise from last week, write to me at and let me know how it is working for you, I welcome your questions.  This week we will start by discussing a technique that can very quickly change  feelings, and even change pain, just by changing the elements of the picture.  Then at the end of the week I will give you the details for using this powerful technique. By learning to systematically change the elements of the pictures you create in your mind, it also creates a different feeling.

I know you are ready to get to the exercise, it is worth waiting for , I believe you will be truly  delighted at what is possible.  This is so powerful that I have successfully taught people to use a combination of these techniques to get relief from migraines, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and even nausea (in pregnancy and in other conditions).

So, if you haven’t read last weeks exercise, you still have a few days to practice it before we move  ahead with the next technique where we will be using Neuro-Linguistic Programming, (NLP).   NLP is a powerful way to use words and images to re-program reactions.  The technique I am talking about  is just a tiny part of the vast ways of using NLP and your mind, to create quick and lasting change.  I will be holding a Q & A teleseminar in June to provide more information. Sign in on the box at the right to be put on our mailing list, and when you sign it you give also get a powerful breathing exercise to produce calm in just seconds.

In the NLP technique we will be using at the end of the week we will be changing the elements of an image.   The reason to learn to do this is that when you learn this technique you will have a quick way to negative feeling.  When we change the elements or parts of the picture amazing things happen to the feelings you have.    As a simple example  pretend you are looking at picture of a beautiful sunset in all its glory in full color.  Imagine what feeling that would create. But now imagine that you are changing the picture to black and white, that would perhaps create a different feeling for you. Imagine it in shades of brown, that creates yet another feeling (or even no feeling).  Next, keep the picture of the sunset in full color but this time imagine that there are the harsh sounds of traffic and people yelling in the background, that would probably create a completely different feeling.  But if you take out those sounds and  floated in the sounds of your favorite music to go with the  color image that might create yet another feeling.

You can use this same type of technique with the pictures or images you have in your mind.  It is important to understand a number of things before going ahead with this technique.

1. First you need to get the picture that you want to work with.
2. Then you write down all the elements in the picture.  I will give you questions today to help you with this.
3. Once you have the elements we can begin to change them one at a time.  This is very important, change only one element at a time.  Notice how it changes things, and then put it back to the original.
4. Then you change the next element, all the while making notes of the effect on the picture and on the feelings you have.
5. When you find all of the elements that go in the direction you desire, you then change them all and notice what happens.

NOTE:   When we are working with a memory or image of something that brought on negative feelings, some element changes will make the feeling worse, some will make it better and some will have no effect.  That is why it is so important to change just one thing at a time.  This is so powerful that some people feel more comfortable having someone trained in these techniques to help them the first time. I am happy set up an appointment to do that, and I offer a free consultation, just contact me at

So for today let’s start the process by answering the following questions. They will help you to get the elements of the image.  For this exercise use a slightly negative memory, not a major problem. We will be using it as a practice exercise, so you can see what happens as you change the elements.   I will give detailed directions in my next post for changing the elements.  For today we are learning about the elements of the picture/memory/image.

Some of the elements that we will be looking at are: color, size, sound, brightness and focus.

1.  Think of a slightly negative event, or memory.  Becoming aware of the thoughts and images and notice the feelings that go with it.  You might even notice where in your body you feel the emotions.  (The feelings in the body can also be shifted using the NLP technique).

2. Answer the following questions:
a.  Is the image in color or black and white?
b.  Is any one else is in the picture? What is their expression?
c.  What effect does their expression have on your feeling?
d.  Is anything smaller or larger than life, or is everything life size?
e.  Is there any sound in the picture?”
f.  Is it a snap shot or a moving picture?
g.  Is the image bright or dim?
h.  Is it in focus or out of focus?