Using Hypnosis to combat Stress and Illness

Using Hypnosis to combat Stress and Illness

Hello again, I’m Lisa Kilburg and I will be seeing clients for many different types of  hypnotic work at the Anxiety Control Center, starting next week.  Today  I wanted introduce myself again and to talk about using hypnosis as a way to help keep us healthy.

There are differences in what Classical and Ericksonian  hypnosis.  I will be using Classical hypnosis because it lends itself to  issues like smoking, relaxation, weight loss and is wonderful for healing of all types.  Audrey and Tish us the full Transformation System which uses a combination of Classical  & Ericksonian Hypnosis,  NLP, combined with Behavioral and Cognitive Modalities.  This is use for getting to the deeper issues and to change things at the very root of where problems lie which is in the unconscious.

Stress is part of everyone’s lives.  People respond or react to stress differently.  What is stressful to one person may not be stressful to another.  Each of us has different tolerance level to the stressors in our lives.  Also, people already under stress may react to stress in an amplified way.

Studies have shown that people under stress are more susceptible to illness.  One of the best ways to stay healthy is to have a strong immune system.  Have you ever noticed how some people never get sick while others are sick all the time?  When people are under stress for long periods of time this can keep the immune system from working to its fullest ability.

Some stress is unavoidable.  Tragedies happen that cause great stress to our bodies.  This is where hypnotherapy comes in, because it is a great way to help release stress, and provides a great way to keep our immune systems strong.

By taking action and using hypnosis you can start the process to release stress, which will have a positive impact on your health.  It is important to make time to de-stress our bodies.  In addition to hypnotherapy, exercise, yoga, mediation are  other excellent ways to help release stress from the body.

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