Is Hypnosis Right for You?

Audrey Sussman PhDDr. Audrey talks about Hypnosis.

Excerpt from teleseminar, questions people are asking . . . .

This is the top question I get from new clients, “Can I be hypnotized?”  Many times this question is followed with the statement  “I’m a very logical, scientific kind of person, and I’m strong willed, so  even though I want it use hypnosis, I don’t think it will work for me.”

The truth is that almost everyone can be hypnotized. Of course, the question remains how do you know if hypnosis is right for you?

Actually in over 25 years of practice I have found that the people with either high intelligence or creativity are the best hypnotic “subjects.”  And if you are both intelligent and creative you will delight yourself at how quickly you can make self-hypnosis work for you.   One of the reasons people who come to our seminars find it so easy to use the Transformation System techniques is that we know how to ask the questions that quickly help you to tap into you own powerful unconscious.  And there are many of techniques that can be utilized, that’s what we do, in both our seminars and with private consulations we help you to find just the right technique that will work best for you.    When you come to our telesminar, your job is simply to be curious, have an open mind and want to overcome what ever challenge you are dealing with.  We have the techniques and skills that you can put to use right away in your daily life.

If you are not yet comfortable with the thought of using hypnosis, there are other techniques that can be learned  to change negative thinking and fears.    You can overcome challenges using these other techniques though it might take you a bit more time to get the results.  But it is important to start on the path of learning to use the power of your own mind today, otherwise nothing will change.

So no matter if you are a person who wants to access the resources of your unconscious today, or someone who is more tentative and wants skills without using hypnotic techniques, take the first step and ask us a question so we can evaluate you as an individual and help you to make educated choices. Click here to ask a question of our staff.  At times we get so many similar questions that we do an online seminar where you can have assess to our experts “in person” in an online teleseminar.  So please have courage and send your questions about hypnosis, fear, procrastination anxiety, panic or any other topic related to feeling stuck.

Once again, if you are suffering from Anxiety and Fear.  If you have a weight problem, procrastinate, have panic, a phobia or even if you feel sad, there is help available.  Hypnosis is just one of many ways that you can find the answers to living a fuller and more complete life. If you are suffering, don’t delay one more second.   Send your questions or call for a free consultation at 856-751-9446.

You have nothing to lose and a better life to gain.

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