Can I talk and be in control while in trance?

This was a message one of  our readers left about Audrey’s Hypnosis and trance post: ” I don’t understand how you can talk and still be in a hypnotic state. It just doesn’t seem possible. . .”

Audrey’s reply:  Thanks for your comment, so many people who come to see me started out thinking that the only way to be in a trance state was to be so deep that they were in an almost “sleep” state.  But in truth, when you are able to learn to be in trance and still be speaking you can make amazing changes.  Since your unconscious has so much more information than the conscious mind, just a light state of trance where you are still awake and aware is really powerful.  Because I work with people who have severe panic, most need to know that they will still be in control while in a trance state. So that is why I developed the Transformation System to work in this way.

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