Using pain to stop negative thoughts. Is there a better way? Part 2

Hello again I’m Audrey Sussman and this is the 2nd of a  4 part post.  I’m discussing better ways of changing habits than the use of pain.

Continued. . . What stimulated my thinking about the use of pain to stop negative thoughts was something I watched happening at a conference.  I have written about my feeling about the use of pain before but it is so important I felt I would post about it again.

On the 2nd day (after developing trust and rapport), the instructor running the conference told the participants do a certain behavior.  He told them if they would do this behavior for the next 2 weeks their negative thoughts and underlying beliefs would change.  He had them start right there at the conference.

Because the  many of the participants already felt trust and also really wanted to change their negative thoughts they did what he suggested.  The result was welts on the wrist.  On a trip to the ladies room I found a young women sobbing, holding her very swollen wrist under the cold water.  She didn’t even realize that there was something wrong with creating that type of damage.  I went to get her some ice, what more could I do at that point.

I do not believe it is necessary to have people damage their bodies in order to get change.    I hope that reading this will save my readers physical damage to their bodies  if the ever come across this type of teacher.  Although he may have been well intentioned, improper directions given by an “authority” figure can lead people to do things they wouldn’t do if a less respected person told them to.   More on what the physical exercise . . .

to be continued tomorrow.

Until then you can claim
Two powerful (non-painful) stress relief tips,
by going back up to the top right of this page.

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These are easy to learn on your own,
and are the same ones we use at the
Anxiety Control Center in our Transformation System program.