Hypnosis – will I lose control? (2)

Hypnosis Fact and Myth: Excerpts from a seminar given by Audrey Sussman for new practitioners of hypnosis.

Continued from Hypnosis (1a):

To show people how much in control they really are I like to tell a story about a conversation I had with a woman who had been “a subject” in a stage hypnotism show.  As I was talking to this woman she actually said that she felt “compelled to do everything the stage hypnotist told her to do”.

Of course, I knew that it may have seemed like that to her, but it just isn’t they way hypnosis works.  To check this out I asked her “if this hypnotist told you to take off your clothes and run around the room naked, would you have done that?”  As I suspected the woman replied. . .

to be continued this afternoon.

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