Hypnosis – will I lose control? (2a)

Hypnosis Fact and Myth: Excerpts from a seminar given by Audrey Sussman PhD for new practitioners of hypnosis.

This morning we were discussing a common fear people have about hypnosis and going into trance.  Many people are afraid they will do something embarrassing.  I was telling the story about a woman I was talking to a lunch one day who had been in a stage hypnosis show.  She had a first commented that she felt compelled to follow suggestions.  So I asked her the question about what would have happened if the hypnotist had asked her to do something outrageous.   What I actually said was, “if he asked you to run around naked, would you have done that?”  As I suspected the woman replied, that she would never do that, as a matter of fact, she then remembered that she didn’t do a number of “stupid” things the stage hypnotist asked her to do.

This little story is a fun way to point out that under hypnosis, a person won’t do anything that is against their value system.  If on the other hand this woman valued running around naked, she might do what the hypnotist said and then later say but he made me do it.  In reality we won’t do what doesn’t fit with who we are.  I just use this little story to dispel the popular notion that a hypnotist can take control of someone. .  .

to be continued in tomorrow.

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