Stress Reduction tips

I have been getting a number of questions and I thank all of you who have sent them in.  In the next few posts I’ll give some tips or exercises as I answer the questions I’ve received.  Please keep the questions coming, see the end of this post for directions:

Question:  “It seems that you believe you only can reduce stress by going to the unconscious part of the mind. Is there anyway I can reduce stress without doing self-hypnosis or trance?

Answer Part 1: Yes,  I do believe that using a trance state to reprogram unconscious patterns is the most effective and lasting way to change unwanted habits and limits.  Yet, you are correct that is important to use all the parts of the mind.  Many times I incorporate cognitive and behavioral skills usually used on the conscious level into hypnotic exercises.

To answer your question yes there are many exercises I teach that help to bring down stress. These can be done without going into a trance state.  Let’s start by talking about the stress reaction itself and then tomorrow I’ll post an exercise you can practice.

1. Stress reactions do not come out of the blue, even when it feels like they do. For many people it is the feeling of being out of control that increases the stress.

2. So the first step is to remind yourself, that whenever you feel stressed,  there is a trigger.  It might be so tiny it just flits through your mind, but it is there.

3. As you begin to take a moment to recognize that the stress reaction is always in response to a stimulus, you might find can be helpful to change your reaction from “why is this happening” to the question “what is this about.

4. By changing the question from “why” to “what” makes a big difference.  The why question usually leads to self blame.  The “what is this about” question leads to curiosity.  Being curious put you back into a healthy state of mind for new learnings.

If you look at the right side of this screen you’ll see a page called worry busters, these are also skills that can be used in the “conscious” state of mind, no trance necessary.

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2 powerful mind calming exercises.

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We are asking for your help
If you have anxiety, panic, feel stuck or procrastinate, please send us
the single most important question you would like answered.

Every one benefits from the questions you send a question

* By sending in your question you are taking a physical action.

* Taking action is the first step to making a change.

* Your questions  help us to develop programs that are targeted to your needs.

* Questions help others who may not have the courage to ask, or think they are all alone.

To get you started with your question think about this:  If you had access to an expert on reprogramming the mind to get relief from panic, fear or feeling stuck –  what question would you want answered?

Take action and send in your question now.  Just go the contact Audrey tab at the right side of this page, it will take you to Audrey’s personal email address.  Once at the email, you just write in your question and your name and email, and hit send.  To show our appreciation for your questions you will be invited as our guest to the next tele-seminar given my one of the staff of the Anxiety Control Center.