Learn to stop Procrastination

One of the skills of moving past procrastination is to be able to access  feelings of power, security and courage whenever you desire.   There is a way to trigger powerful feeling automatically.  It’s like we “borrow” positive feeling we have within us and then use them in an area where they are needed. When we do this it gives us courage to do new things and also give us a way to deal with and move past procrastination.

Anchoring Powerful States

There are a number of ways to trigger new more powerful feelings.  One technique is called anchoring.

We use a three-step process:
1. First we “anchor” the feelings we need in the feared situation
2. Next we use the power of the mind to make the positive feeling even stronger
3. We then “anchor” this new positive feeling and set up a trigger to access them.

Once the anchor is set we can use “touch off” the trigger and up come the positive feelings.  After a while it becomes an automatic response.  Can you imagine how great it will be that whenever fear or feeling stuck starts you can do something about it and change the feelings to ones that move you forward.  Having positive feelings whenever you desire is a real possibility.

And another favorite technique I like to use is from Neuro-linguistic Programming called a “map across”.  We’ll discuss this more in the next post.

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