Even academy award winning writers have procrastinated

Ready to keep your new year’s resolutions. For all of you who have always wanted to try their hand at writing here is a link to check out JacobKrueger.com

Since we are talking about procrastination this month, I thought it might be of interest to post his tips for getting past procrastination.  Although written for writers, there is a writer in all of us so I think the information will be useful.

Even better go to his website and sign up for one of his amazing, powerful and life changing courses. click on this link for Jake’s information

Jake Krueger is an award winning screen writer and you can be a part of his latest screenwriting challenge.  I’ll be posting some excerpts from his latest newsletter on pushing past procrastination in the next few days.  He combines his hypnotic style within his writing and his courses to help people to find their true voice.  Really something to be part of his workshops.  So check it out at JacobKrueger.com