Overwhelmed, not enough time

Here is the next question about feeling like there isn’t enough time.  Jake once again give great suggestions on how to deal with this.

Question from Participant in the 30 day writing challenge:
I started strong, but then I missed a day and got totally out of rhythm.  Now I’m three days behind and it doesn’t seem worth it anymore.  Maybe I’m not really dedicated to this after all.

Jake Answers:
Usually when a writer is thinking about giving up, it’s more about fear than about rhythm.  But there are times when we simply get off our game.  Here’s the key:  don’t let a couple of missed days get between you and your life as a writer.

If a vegetarian accidentally takes a bite of a burger, it doesn’t mean he is no longer a vegetarian.  It just means he took a bite of a burger.

But countless writers will interpret a day or two of missed writing as evidence that they are not really dedicated to their craft.

Usually the truth is the opposite.  If writing was just a hobby for you, you wouldn’t be agonizing over your missed writing days.  You’d just find another hobby.

In fact, it’s probably your fierce dedication to being a writer that’s causing you so much agony.  Because you’re not writing and you don’t understand why.

Dwelling in the past is not going to help you overcome this problem.  The only way to get back into rhythm is by allowing yourself permission to not be perfect.  There are going to be days that you miss.  There might even be weeks.  The key is recognizing when you get off rhythm, and picking back up as soon as you do.  Grab your journal, hide out for 15 minutes, and write today.

Soon, you’ll discover that you don’t even have to try to find your rhythm.  Your rhythm will find you.

Want to be invited to the Conquer Procrastination TeleSeminar?

We are getting closer to the fr.ee teleseminar on  ways to re-programing the Mind to Stop Procrastination .”  If you would like to Conquer Procrastination and Fear,this year, sign up to get an invitation to this powerful teleSeminar.

GIFT: Everyone who has sent questions or who is doing Jake’s writers challenge, will receive an invitation to our upcoming seminar Stop Procrastination,” a program for Creative, Intelligent People Who Get Stuck.”

For those of you new to teleseminars, this is an online event that you can listen to by phone or on your computer.  It will be given January 2010.  Details will be emailed to you shortly if you are on the invite list.

Attendees will have the opportunity to interact “live” with Dr Audrey Sussman.

There are two ways to be invited:
1. Sign up by going to the upper right side of this page, put you name and email and click on the “sign in here” tab.  You’ll also receive a powerful yet easy to learn exercise for calming your mind.

2. Send a question to Audrey, the colored link, takes you to her email address. Just write down your question and your name and email, and send it off.   We’ll look forward to interacting with you “in person”.