Setting no-fail goals

I was doing online coaching for one of my clients and the issue she brought to class was the feeling of getting overwhelmed in a project she was working on.  We began to talk about specific ways she would use the  action plan to set a no-fail goal for herself.

She found that she once again was procrastinating about doing a project.  Because she is very creative she was creating all sorts of reasons why she didn’t want to get started.  We picked one part of a project to start with.

That was the first step, we can’t do everything all at once, picking one part of a project, or one task begins the process of stopping the overwhelm.

She chose to work on her putting off transcribing some information for a workbook.   Here are some of the thoughts that are helping her to move forward on this project.

Sometimes the very thing that is difficult can actually become a “gift” that you don’t even recognize until much later.

In order not to feel overwhelmed, we needed to break the task down into it’s smallest parts.

I asked her if she would do ONE MINUTE a day on transcription.  To check to see if this was a small enough task, I asked her if she would be able to talk herself out of just one minute. But she agreed if all she needed to do is just one minute she would do that.

Even if this is all she can commit to, that is OK. Becasue at the end of the week she’ll have 7 minutes done.  And if it turns out she ends up doing 2 minutes a day she would have 14 minutes of transcription done after a week.  Although the goal is really small, she will still get the feeling of accomplishment each day, and in this way will have something done at the end of the week.

So you can see what I mean about setting goals that are no-fail.  Even if the little voice that runs in the back of your mind tries to convince you not to do the task, it is easier to say I’m just going to do one minute.  What will happen is that when you set the goal so small and do it no matter what, it gives you a sense of accomplishment. And the happy news is that after a number of months of using this process, all of the workshops are transcribed.  And soon I’ll have a home study version of the workshops ready.

To get more information on the online coaching group.  Email Audrey by clicking on the link contact audrey.

Hope to have you join us in this journey of self discovery.