Panic Symptoms

According to the U.S. Department of Health,
over three million people suffer from panic attacks.

Symptoms include:
* Racing or pounding heart
* Shortness of breath
* Dizziness, lightheaded, or nausea
* Flushes or chills
* Shakiness inside
* Fear of losing control or doing something embarrassing
* Terror
* A feeling that something catastrophic is about to happen, and being unable to stop it.
* Fear of going crazy or dying

As the director of the Anxiety Control Center I have been specializing in the treatment of Anxiety Attacks and Phobias for over 25 years.  Treating panic attacks is different from therapy for many other types of issues.  There are 3 parts to the system that we follow.  They include changing the thoughts that fuel anxiety reactions, mind/body techniques to release physical tension, and emotional release techniques in order to get to the root of where panic comes from.

If you have tried talk therapy you have already found that it doesn’t work  to stop panic attacks.  You do gain insight but that alone isn’t enough.  If you have tried to stop panic using cognitive therapy and changing your thoughts, you have found that that alone also isn’t enough to stop the panic cycle.

To get lasting results a combination of techniques are needed. When they are blended for each individual, true lasting change can happen.   The combination of  cognitive/behavioral  techniques along with Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Ericksonian and Classical Hypnosis is the key to real change in panic symptoms.

The system that combines these techniques is called the Transformation System.   It was developed at the Anxiety Control Center after many years of research and practice.  It incorporates  and blends techniques from each modality.  Using it gives us a blueprint that can be followed for the unique issues of panic attacks.

Start the process of calming the mind by signing up for your first mind calming exercise. Go to  the upper right side of this screen and sign in, the mind calming exercise will be sent to you as a PDF.

If you’d rather watch a video explaining this mind calming exercise, sign in on the right and then go to actionendsprocrastination to watch the video.  While you are there please check out our online coaching course starting in May.   Looking forward to meeting you when you join this online coaching group