Testimonial from coaching student

The following was an email I received from one of my coaching students.

When we started in the online coaching course 4 sessions ago, this client hadn’t been out of the house because anxiety was so great.  She found her life limited in so many ways and her self concept was at a low.  Although some of the techniques she talks about may not be familiar, her new feeling about herself are obvious.  She has taken all that I teach and made it her own.  The following is her email.

Hi Audrey,

As I was listening to your questions on what did the feeling feel like and where did I feel it, I began to get an insight.

Getting in touch with my feelings and my body helps me to be in touch with myself to understand me. It helps me to identify a feeling(s) so I’m put in a position to use it in the way that helps me.

Getting in touch with my feelings also helps me to identify where I feel any kind of negative feelings in my body and replace it even change it with the “anchor” you help me set up.

This particular session has helped me realize even more, that my feelings do matter and I am important.  I do matter, and my life is important. When I consider my feelings to take good care of me, it makes me want to consider other people’s feelings and be more kind to them.  I’m beginning to understand the concept of “you only can love others when you love yourself”.

Thank you Audrey for all the work you have put in and you’re putting in to help so many, you are making a difference.  Carolyn