Hypnosis NYC: Stop Worry Emotional Relief Techniques

There are many different techniques that can be used to stop the worry cycle.  The most powerful way to stop the worry cycle is in  the emotional part of the cycle.

3 Ways Stress is Created

1. The physical part of the cycle is where your heart rate increases, or you feel your stomach churning. To get a (physical) Technique to stop Worry go to the right of this page.

2. The cognitive part of the cycle is where your thoughts are racing and worrisome thoughts lead to the emotional part. You will also receive a (cognitive) Technique to stop Worry by signing in at the right of this page.

3. The emotional part of the stress/worry cycle leads to the feelings of fear, anxiety, guilt, or anger. This is also the part of the cycle that “feeds” the other parts as we feel bad about what is happening to us.

And these three parts cycle around and around, increasing worry and fear.

Lifting the Weight of Repressed Emotions

To get true relief from worry we need to release repressed emotions.  Clients say that after using emotional/hypnotic techniques they feel like a suitcase has been removed off their back.

These types of techniques usually involve the help of someone trained in hypnotherapy and NLP. Using these powerful techniques helps you to tap into unconscious information so you can get to the root of where the issue and quickly change limiting beliefs and old patterns.

To get help with any of the three part of the worry cycle we offer an online coaching course AVAILABLE HERE: Breaking Free From Anxiety & Stress – HOME STUDY COURSE