Getting free of self-doubt #7

Continued from post 6:

Take a moment to listen to the thoughts going through your mind.

When an uncomfortable emotion seems to come out of the blue, there is always a trigger.  The following are just a small sample of thoughts that “take you down.”  ““You won’t do it good enough”
“You don’t know enough”
“Others can do it better”
“People will think I’m stupid,”
“What if I fail”
“What if I have a panic attack”

. . .  and on and on they go, one thought leading to other even more negative, scary ones.

There are ways to change the “programming” that causes  these types of thoughts.  We’ll start in the next post with the easiest to use skills that hypno-therapists teach their clients to use. You can learn to use techniques from Neuro-Linguistic Programming to change the feelings that negative thinking creates.

When you learn these skills you will be amazed at how just a simple change can take the “sting” out of the words.

Of course there are deeper roots that cause these thoughts.  They can be re-programmed for even more life enhancing results, for that a hypno-therapist trained in these techniques will be helpful.  So, for now we can start with what you can do immediately.

As you begin to hear the “voice” in the back of your mind notice the next 4 things listed below:

To be Continued in post 8

Would you like to learn how to stay centered and calm?
Begin today by downloading your first “tool” for
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You will get the instructions to 2 exercises.
1. A powerful breathing exercise
to change your state of mind,
2. A second exercise
to help change negative thinking.

So do this now, download
the easy to learn exercises
by signing in at the upper right side of this page.
You will be sent the written instructions as a PDF.

If you would like to learn to
use other techniques from the Transformation System

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January 21,  2011.
Looking forward to your becoming a part
this supportive online community.