Gaining a new perspective – Using Time Line Techniques

The following email came in from one of my online coaching students.  In each coaching session we add techniques to the ones already learned.
In this email the student is talking about how she combined two of the techniques.

The first is the floating above technique that I taught my students in the first session, this technique is from Time Line techniques for releasing emotions and seeing things from a new perspective.

The second technique was practiced in session 8 “talking to the parts” which teaches how to get to the positive intention of the different parts of ourselves.     It is always so gratifying to hear how my students are making the techniques work for them.
The following is a part of the email sent to me by this very creative student.

Hi Audrey,
The floating above technique gave something to me. Now I understand why you said we’ll be looking at our memories without “getting in them.” I can now look at my “younger self” with the perspective of the adult self…  I also use the “floating above” technique  before I come down to talk to the different “parts” like you did in the talking to the parts exercise. Thank you Audrey for putting me on the road to freedom.