How to Stop Negative Thinking

So many people wish they had a way to stop their mind from racing with thoughts.  In this article and the audio below, you’ll get a number of tips on tools that you can use stop thoughts that cause stress, embarrassment, anger and self-doubt.

Questions from a client:

  • What do I do when I start to feel negative thoughts or start feeling down?
  • How do I get out of that mindset and start thinking positive?
  • A lot of people say to think positive thoughts, etc. but if it were that easy wouldn’t everyone just do that?

Negative Thoughts Getting In The Way?
Listen to the audio below:

What You Can Do To Pull Yourself Out of the Negative Mindset:

1. Pick one specific situation where you are have negative thoughts 

2. Notice the feeling you get after you have a negative thought 

3.  Notice where in your body you get the feeling that comes with negative thoughts. 

4. Listen to the negative thought, and ask yourself :
    • “I wonder what this feeling is about?”
    • **Mistake, do not ask:  “Why am I feeling this way?”
      Because you’ll only get conscious mind blaming answers.
5. Negative thoughts are of different types:
a. Thoughts that tear down our self-confidence 

b. Thoughts that are conversations we would have with someone who hurt us. 

c. Thoughts of revenge after someone made you angry 

d. Thoughts that grow, the first thought lead to the next thought.  You then react as if the 1st negative is true, and that leads to more anger or upset.  It is typically the circular movement of the thoughts that continue to expand until you’ve created a whole circle of more and more upset. 

6.  There are many different tools that can be used to get relief from negative thoughts. 

7. The 3 primary types of tools are:
a.   Cognitive tools –  2 for 1 technique talked about in another article. 

b.   Physical body-mind tools –  Changing the breathing pattern 

c.   Emotional clearing tools – Tracking the feeling back to the root, to the first time you ever felt that way.
Emotional clearing tools use hypnotic techniques and I have found that makes the magical difference in getting free of unwanted reactions, because when you change things at the root, and clear out the repressed emotions, limiting beliefs and the old triggers you automatically react differently.
Note:  Under each type of tool: Cognitive, Physical and Emotional there many different techniques that can be combined for the best results in each specific situation. 

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