Contest – Overcoming Obstacles

I was writing a short story to submit to NPR and decided it would be fun to see what type of stories my readers would come up with.

We are accepting original life stories, about overcoming obstacles in your life.  Or if you would prefer just finish the story below and click here to send it.

Not sure if you want to write your own story?  Then use the following story as a template and can change a paragraph or two, or just finish it with a  new ending.  Send Us Your Story Now!

One entry per person, no more than 800 words for the whole story, please. Stories must be received by 11:59 p.m. EDT on September. 25 2009.  The winner will receive a signed copy of “Stress Relief in 10 minutes” by Audrey Sussman & Tish Schuman.

Happy writing!

Short Story 1:

The nurse left work at five o’clock. She couldn’t believe she made it through the day. It all started this morning, just as she opened her eyes. Her heart was pounding and her stomach was in a knot, making it hard for her to catch her breath. She knew she had a physical just a few weeks ago, so there couldn’t possible be something wrong with her heart, or maybe they missed something,

Usually nurse Agatha was the one everyone when to when they were in a state of crisis, she handled every emergency with efficiency and calm.   But today she was the one in crisis having a hard time forcing herself to act like everything was normal.  It amazed her that no one noticed the state she was in, she was sure she looked a bit crazed.  But, people were busy and no one noticed her.

She couldn’t figure out why she was in this state of fear.  Nothing like this had ever happened to her before.  Yes, she remembered moments of fear as a child, but she was grown up now, there was nothing to fear.  Nothing unusual was going on and she couldn’t even blame it on dream or nightmare.  With her stomach in knots she went through her day, sure that something terrible was about to take place.

This overwhelming sense of dread increased as it came time to leave for the day.  She was afraid to get into her car feeling like her mind was on a downward spiral.  The thoughts seemed out of her control, what if she had something terrible wrong with her, what if she lost control of the car or couldn’t breath, and worse still, what if there was be no one to help her.   Nurse Agatha felt frozen, alone and bereft. She forced herself into the car feeling like it was a nightmare she was stepping into. What could be happening to her?   As she drove she tried to catch her breath, but her mind was racing with all the possible things that could be wrong with her.  As a nurse she was able to help others when they were in a state of fear, she knew about panic attacks. This couldn’t be just a panic attack; it was too real, something must be wrong.  Her fear continued to mount as she drove, and the tough what if she drove off the road, or fainted fed her fear even more.

Finally, in desperation Agatha screamed, “stop.” Although the scream was only in her mind, something seemed to shift, and a terrifying memory moved through her mind.  Could this be connected with the fear she was having now.  She remembered running, fearing for her life, yet ashamed to be leaving others behind.  It was as if she was outside of herself, looking in.    She remembered that terrible day, the one where she let her anger get out of control, and the terrible consequences that followed. She would never forget that terrible day.  Way back then, she made a vow to herself that she would never let herself get angry again, it was much too dangerous.

Now, suddenly it seemed that all the anger she had put aside for all these years was flooding back in waves.  Making her dizzy, and confused.  Why had this happened now when her life was moving along so well.  Maybe the terrible fear and panic was her punishment for her anger and what she had done.   But, even as this thought passed through her mind she knew, she knew that was now ready.  She was going to break her vow.  As scary as it was, she was going to go back to that awful day and deal with the shame, guilt and anger.  Maybe that was what the horrible feeling of fear and panic was about.  It was the push letting her know it was time to face her old demons.

She knew she couldn’t do it alone.  She needed someone to guide her, someone she could trust to reveal her shame.  She wondered if it would even be possible to release the horrible memories that had been with her for so long.   What it would be like to be able to finally move on with living, no longer hiding and being afraid.

As she looked up she was at her house.  She couldn’t remember how she had driven here, somehow some part of her mind must have been aware of the road and gotten her here safely.  For the moment her fears seems to be gone.  She picked up her newspaper and an advertisement flyer fell out at her feet.  It seemed that destiny was working with her resolve to get help.   She read,  “Fear is like a jail without walls.  It is time to make a change!  Learn how to use you unconscious mind to release emotions that are holding you back.”  Agatha, didn’t waste a moment, she opened her door and walked into the house, ready to make the phone call.   But, there in her living room   . . .

Change the story or write your an ending you would like to see.  Send it to us by clicking here.