How to stop negative thoughts that create anxiety

Whenever negative thoughts and images move through your mind they have an effect on your mood. No matter how intelligent, creative or successful you may be these messages cause stress and even self-doubt.  As a hypno-therapist, I see the pain that is caused when people beat themselves up with negative self-talk.  Sometimes we are consciously aware of the harmful messages, but many times thoughts move so quickly that we aren’t even aware we just had a thought.  What we are aware of is tension and stress negative thoughts leave behind.

So what can you do if negative mantras (thoughts) are interfering in your life?  The first step is to recognize a negative mantra. Start by paying attention when uncomfortable feelings surface.  As you become aware of your feelings, “listen” for the dis-empowering thoughts passing through your mind.

Often, when we have a negative feeling, we’re not even aware of it.  I will be putting together a 7-step plan to stop mantras (thoughts) and change them to empowering ones.

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One response to “How to stop negative thoughts that create anxiety”

  1. Thank you very much for that well written piece of text.