Procrastination & Worry the Time Wasters

If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it.  ~Olin Miller

Worry, the Time Waster

That nagging feeling just won’t go away. It serves no useful purpose, so why do we worry – to prevent bad things from happening. Yet, how much of your worry is actually productive? Learning these new skills will harness the energy you are wasting on worry. Only you can choose to take control of your thoughts.  When you make things happen, stress is automatically reduced. Being in charge is a powerful feeling!

Techniques to Deal with Worry

“Worry Box” – By learning this technique, you create a productive way to worry and significantly reduce the amount of time spent worrying.15. “Worry List” – Most of us have made a list identifying items that are causing stressful feelings. The secret to this technique is that it takes the list one step further by giving you detailed information to make it really work for you.16. “Procrastination Eliminator” – Much energy is wasted on worrying about things that we put off. Here is a technique that provides an easy to learn process that will hae the job completed before you have time to procrastinate. It is especially useful when you can’t seem to get started on a project.


“I remind myself, it’s just a thought. The fact that it’s my brain and I can create
different thoughts, has saved me from a lot of suffering.” MJ

Whether you suffer severely from procrastination or you just want to accomplish more so you feel more relaxed, take the first step and get on the invitation list to be invited to the Conquer Procrastination TeleSeminar?

For those of you new to teleseminars, this is an online event that you can listen to by phone or on your computer.  It will be given January 28, 2010 at 9:15 pm. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact “live” with Dr Audrey Sussman and Tish Schuman LPC, of the Anxiety Control Center.

Details will be emailed to you shortly if you are on the invite list.

There are two ways to be invited:
1. Sign up by going to the upper right side of this page, put you name and email and click on the “sign in here” tab.  You’ll also receive a powerful yet easy to learn exercise for calming your mind.

2. Send a question here the link, takes you to Audrey’s email address. Just write down your question and your name and email, and send it off.   We’ll look forward to interacting with you “in person”.