Are Some People More Prone to Worry Than Others?

1.  Are some people more prone to worry than others?

There are many reasons for the different ways people respond to the world they live in.  An event that hardly creates a ripple in one person’s life, can completely distress another person.  People react differently because of the filters, beliefs and the way they interpret events.  A person’s past experiences will “color” their current interpretation and reactions to events. This can potentially make some people more worry prone depending on how they interpret the world around them. 

2.  What is the purpose of worry?  Is it ever a good thing?

Let’s look at the positive purpose of worry.  Worry can serve a positive function when it prepares you for possible future difficulties.  It can alert you to things that need to be taken care of, or of consequences of certain actions.  Worry can keep you watchful for symptoms that indicate a possible life-threatening problem, or it can motivate you to take care of something that needs to be done.

3.  How do I know when worry is no longer useful?

Sometimes worry is a fleeting feeling of concern with wanting to protect yourself or those you love.  But at times worry causes us to feel helpless.  This happens when thinking about what might happen at some future time, brings up every possible negative outcome that might ever occur.  Because we can’t really know what the future will hold,  worry fills in the unknown by adding negative images of all the possible things that can go wrong. Although some worry can serve a purpose, for example, when you can use it to change your actions to avoid the consequences of taking a certain action.

But, once you have done everything in your power to anticipate and then prepare for possible future problems, continuing to worry then ceases to serve a positive function.  

When your thoughts start to spin with all the negative and scary future possibilities, about things that are outside of your control, it is time to learn techniques to stop worry in it tracks.

4.  Are there different techniques that can be used to get relief from worry?  

Yes, there are tools that you can use to stop worry by changing your future images to more positive one. There are powerful techniques you can use to release stuffed emotions that cause you to see the world through the lens of fear.  There are ways to open the door to unconscious information so you can change limiting beliefs about yourself. You don’t have to be prone to worry, you can change that too! And more exciting there are ways to re-program the mind so you automatically trigger calm and serenity.  Because in a calm state of mind you find solutions easily. 

Here’s a Free video that teaches you a technique for calming the mind. I have my private clients start by watching it:  Click Here and Sign Up to Watch it Now
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