A little more about Neuro-Linguistics (4)

Hypnosis Fact and Myth: Excerpts from a seminar given by Audrey Sussman for new practitioners of hypnosis.

Yesterday we were talking about using the preferred system to get into a trance easily.  So you might be wondering how this  information is used in creating a trance state. For each system (A,V,K) the hypnotist would use words that are either visual, auditory or kinesthetic.  Once the client is in a trance state we use a combination of all three, for the most effective work.

Here is a very short sample of words that might be used in a hypnotic induction for a person who is primarily Visual:  For a visual the hypnotist using a typical Classical method might say something like this. . .  imagine a light all around you. . .   just continuing breathing  . . without trying to make any thing happen . .  and with your next breath . . .  notice the color of the light that you are breathing. . .    and with each breath you can let this color to fill you  . . .   creating a healing or a sense of peace with every breath you take .  . .  .

Sample hypnotic induction for person using Auditory words:
Even though we all can to some extent use each of the three, see (visualize), hear (auditory) and feel (kinesthetic). For a person who is auditory  the hypnotist might say   . . .  as you take your next breath, focus in on the sound of each exhale. . . just breathing normally allow yourself to hear the slight sound with the release of the breath . . . and the unconscious mind likes that sound for it creates a sense of . . .

Sample hypnotic induction for person who is comfortable with Kinesthetic:  And for the kinesthetic person who uses feeling as their lead system the hypnotist might say. . .  as you take your next breath, not trying to make anything happen at all, just begin to notice the very small difference in temperature as the breath moves in. . . and out. . .   in . . . and out. . . just paying attention to the tip of your nose. . . as the air move in on the inhale notice if it is cooler on the inhalation and warmer on the exhalation. . . This is a very fine distinction . . . so just notice it or not . . .   and as you are paying attention to your breath . . . you can begin to feel a lightness . . .

Knowing about the Auditory, Visual and Kinesthetic ways of procession is part of what you learn when you study Neuro-Linguistic Programming.   Of course there are many ways to use Neuro-Lingusitic programming.   This is just a very simple example of the vast uses for NLP.

This is my simple and quick definition of NLP : “N” stands for Neuro (or neurology)  “L” stands for Linguistic (or language part of NLP)  and “P” stands for programming. NLP is a way of using language to program (or reprogram) what we want into our neurology (body reaction).

Knowing NLP and combining it with hypnotic techniques gives you  a wide range of ways of using your mind, and helping others to use theirs.  If you’d like to read a really good book on this subject look fro Using Your Brain for a Change, by Richard Bandler and John Grinder.  It can be useful at any level of training from the complete newcomer to NLP to the more advanced practitioner. NLP can be used in sales, in negotiation, with children to gain the rapport you need to have people listen.

As a hypnotherapist as you continue to study the mind.  Becoming aware of  purposefully using all three  modalities, Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic in your work  gives you a very powerful way of helping people to create change.

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