A tip for getting into a trance state – Know your lead system(3)

Hypnosis Fact and Myth:
Excerpts from a seminar given by Audrey Sussman
for new practitioners of hypnosis.

Continued from Hypnosis (2a):
Many people are concerned with being controlled. The reality is that even while in a trance state, if a hypnotist were to ask them to do something not in alignment with their values, they just wouldn’t do it.  Hypnosis used therapeutically isn’t about control, rather it is a wonderful way to access the powerful resources locked inside the unconscious.

Note: For the new hypnosis practitioner it is important to remember that it is your job to help the person find the best way for them to easily go into a trance state.  There are so many ways that you can use, so keep your own creativity flowing as you teach this skill to your clients.  If one technique doesn’t seem to work, there are many other ways that will work.

Remember that each of us processes information in a different way. The 3 types of processing are visual, auditory and kinesthetic.   To find out your “lead system” do this simple exercise.  Imagine an apple.  Do this before reading the rest of the instructions. Now that you’ve thought of an apple.  Here is how you know what your lead or preferred system of processing is. . .

To be continued this afternoon.

Looking forward to hearing from you, with questions or comments.

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