A Tip for going into trance easily – Know your lead system(3a)

(continued from this morning’s post ( 3 )

Remember that each of us processes information in a different way. The 3 types of processing are visual, auditory and kinesthetic.   To find out your “lead system” do this simple exercise.  Imagine an apple.  Do this before reading the rest of the instructions. Now that you’ve thought of an apple.  Here is how you know what your lead or preferred system of processing is.

If you are “talking to yourself” about what type of apple you are supposed to be thinking about, you just might be an auditory, because you are hearing yourself speak about the apple in your head.  An auditory person might be thinking about the crunching sound as a bite is taken.

If you see a red or green apple in your mind’s eye, or if you can say if it is a large or small apple, then you are probably a visual.  Because you are seeing it “in your mind’s eye”.

For a person who is kinesthetic you might tell me that it’s a cold apple, or that its a large heavy own.   If you can imagine feeling the coolness before you even see it i”n your mind’s eye”, chances are you might process information in a kinesthetic. (feeling) way.

For a hypnotherapist knowing the lead system is important in helping a client easily to go into trance.  You would want to use words that follow the preferred system.  As a hypnotherapist we help people to learn to purposefully use all three Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic.  When you include all three in your work  you get a very powerful way of creating change.  Also if you know about these three type of ways of processing you can use it to create rapport in an instant.  But that is a whole other seminar.
to be continued tomorrow

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