Author: Audrey Sussman
Underlying emotions under writers block
Writers block isn’t just about the actual writing. It’s about the subconscious, underlying emotions that get in the way of writing. For deep rooted emotional blocks, many students set up private coaching sessions with me. In these sessions, we use cutting-edge hypnotic techniques to get under the surface, uncover the subconscious roots of your creative…
Writing fears have little to do with reality.
Today Jacob Krueger continues to talk about Fear and it’s role in procrastination. Question (from a participant in the 2010 writing challenge): I’ve been doing the challenge, but I hate everything I’m writing. And now I feel like I’m starting to lose steam. Jake’s Answer: As writers we play a strange game with ourselves. Instead…
Procrastinators: The right time to write is now
It’s never too late to join Jake’s the challenge. If you haven’t done action step one do it today, buy yourself a journal, and get started. Give yourself 30 days to use the journal, start writing you’ll find it is a positive commitment you will want to start your day off with everyday. The important…
Stop Procrasatination- Jake’s action step 2
Action step 1: For stopping procrastination was written for writers feeling blocked. This Journal is a tool you will come to love. Anyone who wants to unlock “unconscious” blockages will find they benefit from Action Step 2 that Jake will reveal today. It is so simple, yet the power comes from taking the action in…
Stop Procrasatination- Jake's action step 2
Action step 1: For stopping procrastination was written for writers feeling blocked. This Journal is a tool you will come to love. Anyone who wants to unlock “unconscious” blockages will find they benefit from Action Step 2 that Jake will reveal today. It is so simple, yet the power comes from taking the action in…
Procrastination: Easy Action step for change
Yesterday we were talking about taking an action to move you past procrastination: We are combining things we do at the Anxiety Control Center, with information Jacob Krueger has kindly allowed us to reprint. Today will be a two part post. Action Step 2 will be out to you this afternoon. ACTION STEP 1: Did…
Brilliant Procrastinators: An action step for change
Yesterday we were discussing ideas that we use at the Anxiety Control Center. Today you hear more tips from Jacob Krueger. In some cases I have changed it slightly or shortened it. There are so many different places you can start in tackling the problem of procrastination. Jake talk’s today about how procrastination starts for…
Changing Scary feelings to fresh, comfortable ones
Today we will continue discussing ideas that we use at the Anxiety Control Center. Then tomorrow we will post more tips from Jacob Krueger. So you find two different approaches in the next few days. Please let me know what you think of adding information in this way. Is it helpful or confusing by sending…
Even academy award winning writers have procrastinated
Ready to keep your new year’s resolutions. For all of you who have always wanted to try their hand at writing here is a link to check out Since we are talking about procrastination this month, I thought it might be of interest to post his tips for getting past procrastination. Although written for…
Learn to stop Procrastination
One of the skills of moving past procrastination is to be able to access feelings of power, security and courage whenever you desire. There is a way to trigger powerful feeling automatically. It’s like we “borrow” positive feeling we have within us and then use them in an area where they are needed. When…