Brilliant Procrastinators: An action step for change

Yesterday we were discussing ideas that we use at the Anxiety Control Center.  Today you hear more tips from Jacob Krueger.  In some cases I have changed it slightly or shortened it.

There are so many different places you can start in tackling the  problem of procrastination.  Jake talk’s today about  how procrastination starts for many writers.  The tips he will give in the next few posts are for the writer in all of us.  They can also be converted to other areas of creativity.   Please let us know how you are using Jake’s information by sending an email, just click on the word here to go to Audrey’s email.

Jacob Krueger writes:  Writers are brilliant at finding tasks they must do, that interfere with their writing.  For example: You decide to set aside a couple hours to write, and suddenly those dirty dishes start to call to you.  The next thing you know you’ve cleaned your whole kitchen, scrubbed your shower tiles to a sparkling shine, reorganized your closet, updated your facebook photos, and still you haven’t written a single word.

Perhaps you are furious at yourself, or you might tell yourself it had to be done.  Next you promise yourself,  “I’ll write for twice as long tomorrow,”  but what happens tomorrow . . .

We will continue with Jake’s information in the upcoming days.  To read the entire newsletter right now go to the following link Jake and sign up to be on his Newsletter list.

I already use the tip Jake will be giving in an upcoming post, it had proved so valuable to me that I want you to have a preview of the first easy step.

The first part of it is something so easy to do that there can be no excuse, if you really do want to be a writer.

ACTION STEP 1 : Go out and buy yourself a  journal.  Find something that speaks to your personality, and makes you feel good.  This is a valuable tool you will be using every day.   Think of it as an investment in yourself.

Please take his action step today.  By doing it you have already told your unconscious that you are serious in your commitment to making procrastination a thing of the past.  No matter what you do, take a moment and get this journal, notebook or whatever you decide you would like to use.   By taking this step you have already started the process. And in addition you will be ready when Jake tells you how to use it.

Note From the Anxiety Control Center
GIFT: Everyone who has sent questions or who is doing Jake’s writers challenge, will receive an invitation to our upcoming seminar 
Re-programing the Mind to Stop Procrastination. For those of you new to teleseminars, this is an online event that you can listen to by phone or on your computer.  It will be given January 2010.  Details will be emailed to you shortly if you have signed up for the invite.

Attendees will have the opportunity to interact “live” with Dr Audrey Sussman.

There are two ways to be invited:
1. Sign up by going to the upper right side of this page, put you name and email and click on the “sign in here” tab.  You’ll also receive a powerful yet easy to learn exercise for calming your mind.  OR

2. Send a question to Audrey, the colorful link, takes you to her email address. Just write down your question and your name and email, and send it off.   We’ll look forward to interacting with you “in person”.