Category: Procrastination
Setting no-fail goals
I was doing online coaching for one of my clients and the issue she brought to class was the feeling of getting overwhelmed in a project she was working on. We began to talk about specific ways she would use the action plan to set a no-fail goal for herself. She found that she once…
Setting no-fail goals: Steps stop procrastination and anxiety
Overwhelm: How to get out of the anxiety pattern when taking on new challenges I was coaching one of my clients who had been dealing with overwhelm in many areas of her life. I asked her to imagine how it would be if she had a step-by-step blueprint to move her past overwhelm anytime she took on a new…
Fear and Procrastination – There Is A Way To Change
Finding the underlying issues that fuel procrastination is one of the steps that will lead to changing this dis-empowering habit. If you procrastinate it is possible that you’ve asked yourself why you procrastinate when it ends up causing stress, overwhelm and bad feelings. There are a number of reasons people procrastinate and they fall into…
Why do we procrastinate
Question: Why do people procrastinate? There are a number of reasons people procrastinate, they fall into a few different categories. You can begin to uncover the underlying reasons by looking at the things you do when you are procrastinating. For example, some people will think about the task at hand, and feel like they need…
Why do people procrastinate? Ending Fear Workshop coming soon.
Once again I’ve gotten a great question about procrastination. So, I’m giving a “snipit”of information in this post. Join my new TeleWorkshop to get your individual questions answered. Just send me you email by clicking here and I’ll send link to the F.ree Q & A online workshop on February 23, 2010 at 9:10 pm.…
Great turnout for Conquering Procrastination.
We had a great group on the TeleSeminar about Conquering Procrastination. I really appreciated all of you for being there on the call. As I was ending the call, one brave person raised her hand. I started the recording and we did 12 minutes talking about fear and panic. I’ll put that call up on…
Procrastination & Worry the Time Wasters
If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it. ~Olin Miller Worry, the Time Waster That nagging feeling just won’t go away. It serves no useful purpose, so why do we worry – to prevent bad things from happening. Yet, how much of your worry is actually…
Procrastination: How Stress & Fear are created
In the next few days I’ll be giving an outline of topics we’ll be discussing in the F.ree January 28th TeleSeminar: Conquer Procrastination: A workshop for Intelligent Creative People who get Stuck. The Procrastination habit can by changed using a three part process: 1. Cognitively (Thoughts create Physical Reactions) 2. Emotionally (underlying issues are at…
Procrastination: How Stress & Fear are created
In the next few days I’ll be giving an outline of topics we’ll be discussing in the F.ree January 28th TeleSeminar: Conquer Procrastination: A workshop for Intelligent Creative People who get Stuck. The Procrastination habit can by changed using a three part process: 1. Cognitively (Thoughts create Physical Reactions) 2. Emotionally (underlying issues are at…
It's up to you which you choose, step to Conquering Procratination.
The following quote by Theodore Roosevelt points out that taking any step in the direction you want to go is better than waiting for perfection and doing nothing. “In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the…