Changing to Stop the Anxiety Spiral

Today we continue to look at the questions about G-d, panic and feeling weak and picked on. We’ll begin with a number of helpful tips for changing the negative feelings, into more enhancing one.   Let me know how these tips work for you, and any other solutions you are using in your life use to stop panic and fear.  I hope the following tips help.
Audrey Sussman PhD, director of the Anxiety Control Center.

The following is a summary (collage) of the email questions I have received in the last few days.

“Hello Audrey, First I want to thank you for answering my other emails. I truly appreciate your taking your time to answer my questions.  I reached out and was hoping to get a response even though I’m not one of your students or private clients.

Here is what is going through my mind today.  I really don’t want to feel this out of control with panic and fear.   I can’t help wondering why G-d chose to prey on the weak by giving us anxiety attacks?  Nothing prepared me for the devastating results worry, anxiety and fear is having on my life.  It stops me from moving ahead and it feels unending.   I thought the feelings would disappear over time, but it continues and gets worse every year.   I want to stop these feelings and the anger & sadness it causes, but I don’t know where to start.  Are there any tips you can offer me?”

Audrey’s response:

I can see you are reaching out for help because you truly want things to change.  It is frustrating when you’ve tried so many things and still panic and worry continues to plague you.  There are a number of different things that can be done to stop the downward spiral of feelings.  Once you see even a small change it will give you hope.

Old “stories” and patterns of belief:

When you think that G-d is preying on you, it creates more upset, anger and a “it’s not fair feeling.”  This feeds the feelings of hopelessness.   It also increases the feeling of being out of control.   These negative thoughts are just one possible “story.”  One that increases negative thoughts and adds to the spiral of anxiety, and loss of hope.

New “stories” and patterns that work better:

Imagine for a moment, how different it would feel if your thought was that G-d is giving you strength to deal with panic, instead of preying on you.  Or perhaps, the thought that G-d had given you the strength to survive the panic and anxiety all theses years.  Even though the panic might still be scary,  changing your way of thinking from “being weak or being preyed on,” to the more positive one, stops the negative spiral.  Remember, we don’t know for sure what G-d’s purpose is, so since it is your mind – imagine something else that would serve you better.  Something that doesn’t add to the stress you already feel.   I myself truly believe that creativity is one of the “gifts” people with panic are born with.   It may be that at the moment your creativity is going in the wrong direction (that of scaring you), but it is still a gift you can learn to use in a positive helpful way.

I’m always interested in any solutions people come up with in dealing with worry, anxiety or panic.

I have a very effective and easy technique to help relieve anxiety, especially during difficult situations, click the button below to get it for free:
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