Cognitive stress relief exercise

I believe it is important to know how to stop stress on using all the parts of the mind, conscious and unconscious.

Most of my research and work is on showing people how to change programs and limits that are rooted in the unconscious part of the mind.

Yet, there are many times I teach “conscious” or cognitive exercises for stress relief. If you are on the anxietycontrolcenter site you can find some more information on some of my favorite exercises using the conscious part of the mind on the right side of the screen under the topic Halt panic, irrational fears and Phobias.

The exercise for today is to:

1.  Think about the areas of your life that cause stress. Below are a few areas to think about.

2. Then write down one thing you could do, today to bring down stress.

3.  Making even the smallest change is a step towards the process of reducing stress.

4.  Make that change now.

For example a client of mine was stressed by all of the mail piling up on her counter top.  It was so bad she couldn’t see the counter anymore.  The small step she took was to put the mail into paper bags. In the days and weeks that followed she took other small steps to going through it.  Yet taking that first step of getting it off the counter make it possible not to feel overwhelmed.  She then took the next step and for 15 minutes a day she went through a bag and threw away junk mail.  Then she began to find herself motivated to put the bills into a pile.  And finally she actually began to pay her bills.  She had to take that first step to stop being so overwhelmed that she did nothing.

We are asking for your help
If you have anxiety, panic, feel stuck or procrastinate, please send us
the single most important question you would like answered.

Every one benefits from the questions you send a question

* By sending in your question you are taking a physical action.

* Taking action is the first step to making a change.

* Your questions  help us to develop programs that are targeted to your needs.

* Questions help others who may not have the courage to ask, or think they are all alone.

To get you started with your question think about this:  If you had access to an expert on reprogramming the mind to get relief from panic, fear or feeling stuck –  what question would you want answered?

Take action and send in your question now.  Just go the contact Audrey tab at the right side of this page, it will take you to Audrey’s personal email address.

Once at the email, you just write in your question and your name and email, and hit send.  To show our appreciation for your questions you will be invited as our guest to the next tele-seminar given my one of the staff of the Anxiety Control Center.